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DescargaXML Method

Allows the user to download the E-bill document in XML format.

REQUEST: Parameters to send
Type Identifier Description
String tokenEmpresa/tokenPassword Supplied by The Factory HKA
Object datosDocumento See details below
Type Required Format Identifier Description
String YES N|4 codigoSucursalEmisor 0000: Main location 0001 onwards: Other locations; numbers and letters allowed.
String YES N|10 numeroDocumentoFiscal Number of the fiscal document in the corresponding series, from 0000000001 to 9999999999, cant restart the sequence. Fill with zeros the positions to the left.
String YES N|3 puntoFacturacionFiscal Billing Point of the fiscal document inside the billing location. Allows independent billing numbering sequences. The value "zero" is not allowed. Fill with zeros the positions to the left.
String YES N|2 tipoDocumento 01: Internal bill 02: Import bill 03: Export bill 04: Credit note referring to a E-bill 05: Debit note referring to a E-bill 06: Generic credit note 07: Generic debit note 08: Free Zone bill 09: Reimbursement.
String YES N|2 tipoEmision 01: Prior Authorization, normal operation. 02: Prior Authorization, contingency operation. 03: Post emission Authorization, normal operation. 04: Post emission Authorization, contingency operation.
DescargarXMLResponse: Parámetros a recibir
Type Identifier Description
String código Code corresponding to the result of the operation
String Resultado Transaction result
String Mensaje Additional message of the result
String Documento Document downloaded in Base64 format.