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Enviar() Method

The function in charge of building and sending the electronic document.

REQUEST: Parameters to send
Type Identifier Description
String TokenEmpresa/TokenPassword Supplied by The Factory HKA
Object DocumentoElectronico See details below
Electronic Document
Type Required Format Identifier Description
String YES AN|4 CodigoSucursalEmsior 0000: Main location 0001 onwards: Other locations; numbers and letters allowed.
Type Required Format Identifier Description
String YES N|2 tipoEmision 01: Prior Authorization, normal operation. 02: Prior Authorization, contingency operation. 03: Post emission Authorization, normal operation. 04: Post emission Authorization, contingency operation.
String C/C AN|25 fechaInicioContingencia YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssTZH required if, tipoEmision = 02 / 04
String C/C AN|15..250 motivoContingencia Mandatory if typeEmission=02 / 04 If the contingency lasts more than 72 hours you must also explain the reasons for not having returned to normal operation.
String YES N|2 tipoDocumento 01: Internal bill 02: Import bill 03: Export bill 04: Credit note referring to a E-bill 05: Debit note referring to a E-bill 06: Generic credit note 07: Generic debit note 08: Free Zone bill 09: Reimbursement.
String YES N|10 numeroDocumentoFiscal Number of the fiscal document in the corresponding series, from 0000000001 to 9999999999, cant restart the sequence. Fill with zeros the positions to the left.
String YES N|3 puntoFacturacionFiscal Billing Point of the fiscal document inside the billing location. Allows independent billing numbering sequences. The value "zero" is not allowed. Fill with zeros the positions to the left.
String NO AN|25 fechaEmision YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZH
String NO N|25 fechaSalida YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZH Report when known.
String YES N|2 NaturalezaOperacion 01: Sale. 02: Export. 10: Transfer. 11: Return. 12: Consignment. 13: Remittance. 14: Free delivery. 20: Purchase. 21: Import.
String YES N|1 tipoOperacion 1: Exit or sale. 2: Entry or purchase (purchase bill - for informal trade. E.g.: cab driver, manual workers).
String YES N|1 destinoOperacion 1: Panamá. 2: Foreign.
String YES N|1 formatoCAFE 1: No CAFE issuing: The issuer may decide to issue the CAFE any time after the authorization of the E-bill. 2: Ticket printer. 3: 8 ½” X 11” paper.
String YES N|1 entregaCAFE 1: No CAFE issuing: The sender may decide to issue the CAFE at any time after the authorization of the E-bill. 2: CAFE issued on paper. 3: CAFE sent as an electronic document.
String YES N|1 envioContenedor 1: Normal. 2: The receiver exempts the sender from the obligation of sending the container. The sender may decide to deliver the container, for any reason, at a time after the authorization
String YES N|1 procesoGeneracion 1: Issued by the taxpayer's invoicing system (own development or purchased product).
String YES N|1 tipoVenta Type of sale: 1:Business sale. 2: Fixed asset sale. 3:Real estate sale. 4: Service bill. If it is not a sale, do not report this field.
String YES N|1 tipoSucursal 1: Retail location 2: Business to business location
String NO AN|...5000 informacionInteres Extra information related to the E-bill.
Cliente (Customer)
Type Required Format Identifier Description
String YES N|2 tipoClienteFE Identifies the type of E-bill recipient. 01:Taxpayer. 02: Normal consumer. 03:Government. 04:Foreign.
String YES N|1 tipoContribuyente Type of Taxpayer: 1:Person. 2:Business.
String YES N|20 numeroRUC RUC of the Receiver. If tipoClienteFE = 02: this field can be filled with an ID number if requested by the customer.
String NO N|2 digitoVerificadorRUC It must be calculated based on the RUC algorithm published by the DGI. It is mandatory and must be valid if TipoClienteFE = 01/03 (ITBMS taxpayer).
String C/C AN|..100 razonSocial Mandatory if tipoClienteFE = 01/03 (ITBMS taxpayer).
String C/C AN|..100 direccion Urbanization, Street, House/Building or Premise number. Mandatory if tipoClientFE = 01/03 (ITBMS taxpayer).
String C/C AN|..8 codigoUbicacion Mandatory if tipoClienteFE = 01/03. Location code.
String C/C AN|..50 provincia Mandatory if tipoClienteFE = 01/03 (ITBMS taxpayer). According to the Unified Catalog of Provinces, Districts and Counties.
String C/C AN|..50 distrito Mandatory if TipoClienteFE = 01/03 (ITBMS taxpayer). According to the Unified Catalog of Provinces, Districts and Counties.
String C/C AN|..50 corregimiento Mandatory if TipoClienteFE = 01/03 (ITBMS taxpayer). According to the Unified Catalog of Provinces, Districts and Counties.
String YES N|2 tipoIdentificacion Mandatory if tipoClienteFE = 04:Foreign. 01:Passport 02:Local ID number 99:Other
String YES AN|..50 nroIdentificacionExtranjero Passport or Foreign Tax Identification Number. Mandatory if tipoClienteFE=04: Foreigner.
String YES AN|..50 paisExtranjero Only used if nroIdentificacionExtranjero is filled in with a passport number. Use the full country name.
String NO AN|7..12 telefono1 E-bill recipient's contact phone number. Allowed formats: 999-9999 or 9999-9999.
String NO AN|..50 correoElectronico1 Recipient's email address. Must be a valid email.
String YES AN|2 pais According to the codes of the Unified Catalog of Provinces, Districts and Counties - Must be PA (Panama) if destinoOperacion = 1 (Panama). - Cannot be PA (Panama) if DestinationOperation = 2 (other country)".
String C/C AN|5..50 paisOtro Mandatory if country = ZZZ Cannot exist if country <> ZZ.
DatosFacturaExportacion (Required if operation destination other than Panamá)
Type Required Format Identifier Description
String YES AN|3 condicionesEntrega Terms of delivery according to Table 1. INCOTERMS.
String YES AN|3 monedaOperExportacion Currency code used for export, according to Table 2. ISO 4217 Standard.
String C/C AN|5..50 monedaOperExportacionNonDef Mandatory if monedaOperExportacion = ZZZ For currencies not defined in Table 2. ISO 4217.
String C/C N|1..11|2.4 tipoDeCambio For currencies other than USD. Mandatory if monedaOperExportacion exists.
String C/C N|1..20|0.4 montoMonedaExtranjera For currencies other than USD. Mandatory if MonedaOperExportacion exists. Must correspond to the result of tipoDeCambio multiplied by totalFactura.
String NO AN|5..50 puertoEmbarque Shipping port
List<docFiscalReferenciado> (Referenced fiscal document, optional))
Type Required Format Identifier Description
String YES AN|25 fechaEmisionDocFiscalReferenciado Date of issuance of the referenced Tax Document.
String YES AN|66 cufeFEReferenciada CUFE of referenced E-bill. Must be the 66 values that make up the CUFE.
String YES AN|22 nroFacturaPapel It refers to the number of the paper bill.
String NO AN|22 nroFacturaIF Bill number issued by fiscal printer.
Type Required Format Identifier Description
String YES N|1 tipoContribuyente Type of Taxpayer: 1:Person, 2: Business.
String YES AN|20 rucReceptor RUC authorized to download the E-bill. Example: The company wishes to give access to its accounting firm or to a third party.
String YES N|1 digitoVerifRucReceptor It must be calculated based on the RUC algorithm published by the DGI.
Type Required Format Identifier Description
String YES AN|2..500 descripcion Description of the product or service.
String NO AN|1..20 codigo Code of the product or service in the sellers catalog.
String NO AN|1..20 unidadMedida It must correspond to the units of measure list provided in Table 3.
String YES N|1..9|2.6 cantidad Quantity of the product or service, in the unit of measure of the internal code. Expressed in the unit of measure of the internal code.
String C/C AN|10 fechaFabricacion Format YYYY-MM-DD Mandatory if the item is: Pharmaceutical material, medicine, food.
String C/C AN|10 fechaCaducidad Format YYYY-MM-DD.
String NO AN|2 codigoCPBSAbrev Must correspond to the table of the Panamanian Codification of Goods and Services of Segments and Families in Table 4. Do not report this field if the good or service cannot be classified in any of the options of this Table.
String C/C AN|4 codigoCPBS Must correspond to the table of the Panamanian Codification of Goods and Services in Table 4. Mandatory field if it is a sale to the Panamanian government.
String NO AN|1..30 unidadMedidaCPBS Must correspond to the catalog of units of measurement in Table 3.
String NO AB|0..5000 infoItem Information of interest of the seller with respect to an item of the E-bill.
String YES N|0..11|2.6 precioUnitario Unit price of the good or service. If the item is not assessable: report field in 0.00
String YES N|1..9|2.6 precioUnitarioDescuento Report the value of the discount in Balboas, not in percentage. If the item value can't be calculated: Do not report in the field. The value reported must be less than the unit price.
String YES N|1..9|2..6 precioItem Item price. If the item value can't be calculated: declare 0.00. precioItem = cantidad * (precioUnitario - precioUnitarioDescuento)
String NO N|1..9|2 precioAcarreo Shipping price for this specific item. If reported, the shipping price can't be charged in total.
String NO N|1..9|2 precioSeguro Price of insurance for this specific item. If reported, the insurance price can't be charged in total.
String YES N|1..9|2.6 valorTotal Sum of item price with tax amounts. If the item value can't be calculated: report field in 0.00 Otherwise: report the sum of precioItem, precioAcarreo, precioSeguro, valorITBMS and valorISC.
String YES N|..14 codigoGTIN GTIN code of the item, for the sale unit. Former EAN, UPC and DUN-14 codes. Inform empty field if the product does not have this code.
String YES N|1..9|0.6 cantGTINCom Quantity of the product or service in the GTIN Code of the sale item.
String YES N|..14 codigoGTINInv GTIN code of the item, for inventory. Old EAN, UPC and DUN-14 codes Report empty field if the product does not have this code.
String YES N|1..9|0.6 cantGTINComInv Quantity of the product or service in the GTIN Code of the inventory item.
String YES N|2 tasaITBMS ITBMS rate applicable to the item. 00:0% (exempt) 01:7% 02:10% 03:15%
String YES N|1..9|2.6 valorITBMS ITBMS amount of the item. Product of tasaITBMS multiplied by precioItem
String C/C N|1..11|2.4 tasaISC ISC rate applicable to the item. According to current legislation if applicable.
String C/C N|1..9|2.6 valorISC ISC amount of the item. According to current legislation, in case a fixed or calculated value is applied. Product of tasaISC multiplied by precioItem if applicable
String C/C N|2| tasaOTI Codes: 01:SUME 911 02:Phone number transfer fee 03:Insurance tax
String C/C N|1..9|2.6 valorTasa Value of other fee or tax (OTI)
Vehiculo (Vehicle, applicable only if new)
Type Required Format Identifier Description
String YES AN|2 modalidadOperacionVenta 01:sale to representative. 02:sale to final consumer. 03:sale to government. 04:sale to vehicle fleet. 99:other.
String C/C AN|10..50 modalidadOperacionVentaNoDef Mandatory if: modalidadOperacionVenta = 99
String YES AN|17 chasis VIN number. Vehicle Chassis.
String C/C AN|1..4 codigoColor Vehicle color. Manufacturer's internal code.
String NO AN|1..40 colorNombre Description of the color of the vehicle. Optional field.
String YES N|1..4 potenciaMotor Engine power (CV).
String C/C N|1..4 capacidadMotor Engine power (HP).
String NO N|1..11|0.4 pesoNeto Net Weight in Tons. Optional field.
String NO N|1..11|0.4 pesoBruto Gross weight in tons.
String YES N|2 tipoCombustible 01:gasoline. 02:diesel. 03:ethanol. 08:electric. 09:gasoline/electric. 99:other.
String C/C AN|10..50 tipoCombustibleNoDef Mandatory if tipoCombustible = 99
String YES AN|1..21 numeroMotor Engine number.
String NO N|1..11|0.4 capacidadTraccion Maximum traction capacity in Tons. Optional field.
String NO N|1..11|0.4 distanciaEjes Distance between axles in meters. Optional field.
String C/C N|4 anoModelo Model year of manufacture.
String NO N|4 anoFabricacion Year of manufacture.
String NO N|1 tipoPintura 1: solid. 2: metallic. 3: pearl. 4: matte. 9: other. Optional field.
String C/C AN|10..50 tipoPinturaNodef Mandatory if TipoPintura = 9.
String YES N|1 tipoVehiculo Vehicle type as stated in the spec sheet: 1: motorcycle. 2:bus. 3:truck. 4:sedan. 5:SUV. 6:pickup.
String YES N|1 usoVehiculo Use table from the Department of Vehicle Registration: 1:commercial. 2:private.
String C/C N|1 condicionVehiculo 1:finished. 2:partially finished. 3:unfinished.
String NO N|1..3 capacidadPasajeros Maximum occupant number. Optional field.
Medicina (Medicine, required if item is medicine or medicine materials)
Type Required Format Identifier Description
String YES N|5..35 nroLote Medicine and medicine materials batch number.
String YES N|1 cantProductosLote Quantity of products in the batch of medicines and pharmaceutical raw materials.
Type Required Format Identifier Description
String YES N|1..11|1.2 totalPrecioNeto Sum of item prices before taxes. Sum of all occurrences of precioItem.
String YES N|1..11|2 totalITBMS Sum of all occurrences of valorITBMS.
String YES N|1..11|2 totalISC Sum of all occurrences of valorISC.
String YES N|1..11|1.2 totalMontoGravado Sum total of taxed amount. Sum of totalITBMS and totalISC.
String NO N|1..11|1.2 totalDescuento Sum of discounts and rebates granted on the total value of the bill. Sum of all occurrences of montoDescuento.
String NO N|1..11|1.2 totalAcarreoCobrado Value of the shipping charged in the total price. If reported, it cannot be reported in the precioAcarreo field.
String NO N|1..11|1.2 valorSeguroCobrado Value of insurance charged in the total price. If reported, they cannot be reported in the precioSeguro field.
String YES N|1..11|1.2 totalFactura Total bill Value. The sum of TotalAcarreoCobrado, ValorSeguroCobrado minus TotalDescuento.
String YES N|1..11|1.2 totalValorRecibido Sum of values received. Sum of all occurrences of valorCuotaPagada.
String C/C N|1..11|1.2 vuelto Change given to the customer (Difference between totalValorRecibido and totalFactura). Do not report the field if there is no change.
String YES N|1 tiempoPago 1:Immediate. 2:Installments. 3:Mixed.
String YES N|1..11 nroItems Total number of items contained in the bill or other electronic document.
String YES N|1..11|1.2 totalTodosItems Total of all items (Sum of valorTotal).
descuentoBonificacion (Discounts, optional)
Type Required Format Identifier Description
String YES AN|..500 descDescuento Description of additional discounts or rebates applied to the bill.
String YES N|1..11|2 montoDescuento Amount of Discounts/Bonuses and other adjustments.
List<formaPago> (Payment method list)
Type Required Format Identifier Description
String YES N|2 formaPagoFact 01:Credit. 02:Cash. 03:Credit Card. 04:Debit Card. 05:Loyalty Card. 06:Voucher. 07:Gift Card. 08:Transfer/Deposit to Bank Account 99:Other.
String C/C AN|10..100 descFormaPago Description of form of payment not listed in the format. Mandatory if: formaPagoFact = 99.
String YES N|1..11|1..2 valorCuotaPagada Value of the installment paid using this form of payment.
Retención/Withholding (when tax withholdings are applied to the bill)
Type Required Format Identifier Description
String YES N|2 codigoRetencion Corresponds to the catalog of withholding objects: 1: Payment for professional services to the state 100%. 2: Payment for sale of goods/services to the state 50%. 3: Payment or credit to non-domiciled or company incorporated abroad 100%. 4: Payment or credit for the purchase of goods/services 50%. 7: Payment to affiliated commerce to the system of TC/TD 50%. 8: Others (reduction of withholding).
String YES N|1..11|1..2 montoRetencion Amount of withholding to be applied. It must correspond to the calculation of the withholding for the withholding object (tasaITBMS * totalITBMS).
List <pagoPlazo> (Payment via installments list, optional)
Type Required Format Identifier Description
String YES AN|25 fechaVenceCuota Installment due date.
String YES N|1..11|1..2 valorCuota Value of the fee.
String NO AN|15..1000 infoPagoCuota Information of interest with respect to this quota.
pedidoComercialItem (Commercial item order, optional)
Type Required Format Identifier Description
String YES N|1..9 nroPedidoCompraItem Purchase order number.
String YES AN|1..3 nroItem Sequential number of the item in the order.
String NO AB|0..5000 infoItem Information of interest from the issuer with respect to the commercial order, related to a bill item.
pedidoComercialGlobal (Commercial global order, optional)
Type Required Format Identifier Description
String YES N|1..12 NroPedidoCompraGlobal Purchase order number.
String C/C AN|1..12 codigoReceptor Allows you to register the code with which the biller identifies his customer or invoice recipient.
String C/C AN|1..12 nroAceptacion Acceptance number from the Purchase Order Acceptance Number List
String C/C A|1..50 codigoSistemaEmisor Internal code of the system that emits the bill.
String C/C AN|0..5000 InfoPedido Information of interest from the issuer with respect to the global Commercial Order.
listaNroAceptacion (Acceptance order number list, optional)
Type Required Format Identifier Description
String C/C AN|1..12 nroAceptacion Purchase order acceptance number
infoLogistica (Logistics information)
Type Required Format Identifier Description
String NO N|1..3 nroVolumenes Number of volumes
String NO N|1..4|2..6 pesoCarga Total weight of the load.
String NO N|1 unidadPesoTotal 1:g. 2:kg. 3:tons. 4:lbs.
String NO AN|6 licVehiculoCarga Cargo vehicle license.
String YES AN|15..100 razonSocialTransportista Name or company name of the carrier.
String YES N|1 tipoRucTransportista 1:Person. 2:Business.
String YES AN|5..20 rucTransportista Carrier's RUC.
String YES AN|2 digitoVerifRucTransportista Carrier's RUC Verification Digit. It must be calculated based on the RUC algorithm published by the DGI.
String NO AN|0..5000 infoLogisticaEmisor Information of interest from the issuer with respect to logistics.
infoEntrega (Delivery information)
Type Required Format Identifier Description
String YES N|1 tipoRucEntrega Type of Taxpayer 1:Person. 2:Business.
String YES AN|5..20 numeroRucEntrega RUC of the recipient.
String YES AN|2 digitoVerifRucEntrega It must be calculated based on the RUC algorithm published by the DGI.
String YES An|2..100 razonSocialEntrega Company name (Business) or name and surname (Person) of the place of delivery.
String YES AN|100 direccionEntrega Subdivision, Street, House/Building, Premises Number. Address of the delivery premises.
String YES AN|8 codigoUbicacionEntrega Location code.
String YES AN|50 corregimientoEntrega County where the delivery location is located, according to the Catalog.
String YES AN|50 distritoEntrega District where the delivery premises are located, according to the Catalog.
String YES AN|50 provinciaEntrega Province where the place of delivery is located, according to the Catalog.
String YES N|7..12 telefonoEntrega Delivery location contact phone number. Acceptable Formats 999-9999 or 9999-9999
String YES N|7..12 telefonoEntregaAlt Additional contact telephone number, or alternate delivery location. Acceptable Formats 999-9999 or 9999-9999
RESPONSE: Parameters to be received
Type Identifier Description
String codigo Code corresponding to the result of the operation
String resultado Indicates the result of the request
String mensaje Additional message of the operation
String CUFE Unique Electronic Invoice Code
String QR QR Code of the Electronic Invoice
String fechaRecepcionDGI Authorization date according to DGI
String nroProtocoloAutorizacion Authorization protocol number according to DGI